Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Thinking Out Loud, VolumeCDXVIII

Are you reading this message on your phone?  If the answer is yes, is there someone there with you?  Okay, let me just get straight to the point:  While I sincerely want you to read what I have to say, I would prefer you don't do it at the expense of personal, face to face conversation. The advantage of written words is they can be read at a person's leisure.  The primary reason I text my friends and family is I don't know when they're busy, so I can send them a text and they can read it and respond when they are free. You see, I'm of the opinion if you're having a face to face conversation with someone else, it should take precedent over something that is written and can be taken care of later. I don't know how many times I've been working with clients and they will pull out their phone and start typing while I'm talking. Lately I've decided to stop and just wait until they're done before I resume talking. A few weeks ago I did that and she said, "Go ahead.  I'm listening."  So I resumed speaking, and then asked her a direct question. Her failure to respond let me know she was NOT listening. If it's something really important, I would understand. If she would need to get some feedback from someone else before making a decision, all she would have to do is let me know and I would understand that as well. Have you ever been talking to someone and while you're telling your story they started talking to someone else?  That's really rude and disrespectful and it doesn't make you feel very good when it happens, but if they pick up their phone and start typing, it's the same thing, producing the same uncomfortable feelings. I'm not saying I've never done this myself at times, but each time I see it happening, it makes me more aware of just how much it shows a lack of respect for the speaker and how it makes him feel....even if the speaker is their own child. Last week I talked about the importance we place on having personal contact with friends and family over coffee or a meal, and I must tell you, no one enjoys that more than I do.  Sometimes I need that face to face time where I can look the other person in the eye while we're talking, and I like for him to look me in the eye when I'm speaking to him.  However, if he picks up his phone and starts a non-verbal conversation while I'm talking to him, it makes me realize that he views my words as less important than than what the "texter" is telling him, and that's okay, but I'll keep it in mind next time. Preston

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