Friday, September 17, 2010

Thinking Out Loud, Volume CCXXXVI

It's a question I've been asked many times, and it's easy to answer. However, I have to admit that I feel a little awkward when I do have to answer it, because it's difficult to do without sounding a little like an elitist, or maybe like I think I'm better than everyone else, but believe me, this is not about me. Since Labor Day Weekend, when we had somewhat of a family gathering for my niece's wedding, it's been on my mind, so I've decided to just hit it head-on, get it out in the open, and let everyone know how I feel.

Here's the question that I was talking about: "What kind of family do you have?" It's not about just my wife and I and our offspring and their spouses, I'm also talking about siblings,aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews. I guess the best way to start out is by saying that I feel like I'm extremely lucky to have been born into the family that I was. We can all name some very wealthy people who are rich simply because they were born into a wealthy people have kids, therefore some kids are just lucky enough to be born into wealth. Monetarily speaking, our family is just like any average ordinary family; we earn enough to get by and that's about it. But in other areas, we are wealthy beyond even our own dreams. So that I can give you an example of what I'm trying to say, let me tell you what you would experience if you were to tag along to one of our reunions.

You're going to laugh...a lot...because you will be around some of the funniest, wittiest people on the planet. I'm not talking about people who act stupid and won't see anyone wearing a lamp shade on their head...they are simply people who can make some of the funniest statements you've ever heard. Maybe after we've laughed a while, someone may come up with an idea for us to sing a while. Prepare to hear a surprising number of accomplished musicians and singers who will blow your socks off; playing and singing a variety of styles of music. Then a big group will start singing together in perfect harmony. (I've heard it said that family harmony has a quality that is hard to match.) You will be around a number of people who have been in recording studios numerous times in their lives. Then it will be time to eat. (Actually, we'll probably do that first.) Again, prepare to be impressed with not only the quality, but the quantity of food that you will experience.

I just told you some of the things that you will see and hear at our reunions. Now let me tell you what you will not see nor hear: There won't be any fussing, fighting, arguing, or profanity anywhere around. Maybe if we all lived closer together and saw each other more often, there would be some of that (profanity excluded), but it's something I've never experienced at any of our get-togethers.

I wanted to list both the positives and negatives, but I have to be honest and say that I just can't think of any negatives, unless you count the massive quantity of food that we consume as a negative.

I personally have so many flaws and imperfections in my life that are too numerous to mention, as is the case with practically every individual that you would see at one of our family reunions, but when you look at us as a unit, we're a great bunch of people, all with our own unique talents that we can offer to the group as a whole, that makes one of our gatherings a memorable experience.

If I sound like I'm boasting, well, maybe I am, but I haven't said anything that's untrue. Here's the good thing about it: our family is not the only one like this...we're just one of millions. But I'm sure happy to be connected to the one I'm with.


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