Monday, October 22, 2012

Thinking Out Loud, Volulme CCCXLVI

I would like to have more money. Have you ever looked at your bank balance and said, "Okay, this is all I want?" Probably not. I make a modest living, but to be honest, there are some nicer things we would like to have that we just can't quite afford. However, when I talk to the people who have those nicer things, they're saying the same thing I'm saying. We always want just a little bit more. Here's why I think we're never quite satisfied: It has to do with that phrase, "just a little bit more." Think about it. It has no end. We've never made "just a little bit more." We've never loved "just a little bit more." We've never given "just a little bit more." "A little bit more" is something we never quite attain. That's because when we make a little bit more and we're asked if we still have the need for a little bit more, the answer is always, "Yes." The richest among us still crave for "a little bit more." Why aren't we ever fully satisfied? Sometimes I wonder if humans are the only creatures who have this void that seems impossible to fill, or if other cultures within the human race have the same issues. Think about the drug addict, for example. Whatever it takes to attain his "high" will not be enough the next time. The same is true for the porn addict. Whatever he views this time won't be enough next time. Is one tattoo enough or do you always want just one more little one? How much jewelry does it take to completely satisfy one person? When the speed limit is seventy, we drive seventy-five; then they raise it to seventy-five, and we drive eighty. Will our leaders in government ever achieve as much power as they crave? What will it take to make us happy? Are you happy now? If you are, is it possible for you to be happier? If it is possible, what will it take to get you there? If you could achieve whatever it would take to get you to that point, would you then be totally satisfied? I wonder if God would say to me, "I'll give you twenty-four hours to give me a list of what it would take to make you completely satisfied, and I'll grant your desires," would I in one week be regretting some things that I left off that list? Maybe God placed within us an unfillable void so that we would always have the urge to progress and move closer and closer to Him, but instead we have perverted it and used it for our own selfish lusts. It's just a thought. I'm convinced that none of us will ever attain pure satisfaction while living on this earth. However, if I channel all my unfulfilled cravings toward Him, I'll someday hear the pearly gates click shut behind me, and at that point, complete happiness will finally be mine. Preston

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